One Laptop Foundation Blasts Intel, Says World’s Children are Mission, Not Market

Apparently, the global village ain’t big enough for both Intel and Nicholas Negroponte.

The giant chipmaker said Thursday it had pulled out of Negroponte’s Cambridge-based One Laptop Per Child Foundation (OLPC), which is building a sub-$200 laptop for use by children in developing countries. Intel, with its $300-ish Classmate notebook computer, has its eye on the same market, and Intel gave up its board seat at the One Laptop Foundation because Negroponte had asked it to drop the Classmate, a request the company decided it could not accommodate, according to Intel representatives widely quoted by the Associated Press and other news organizations.

This afternoon the One Laptop foundation fired back, publishing a statement harshly criticizing Intel for failing to deliver on promises it made when it joined the One Laptop effort last summer. (Intel’s addition to the board was presented at the time as a sign of reconciliation between Intel chairman Craig Barrett and Negroponte, who had clashed over the importance of the laptop project in a well-publicized 60 Minutes broadcast). “Since joining the OLPC Board of Directors in July, Intel has violated its written agreement with OLPC on numerous occasions,” said the statement, posted on the organization’s wiki by Walter Bender, the foundation’s president for software and content. “Intel continued to disparage the XO laptop in nations that had already decided to partner with OLPC (Uruguay and Peru), with countries that were in the midst of choosing a laptop solution (Brazil and Nigeria), and other countries contemplating a laptop program (Mongolia).”

The statement also said that Intel had failed to contribute to hardware or software engineering efforts around the XO laptop (as OLPC’s laptop is known). Intel “failed to provide even a single line of code to the XO software efforts—even though Intel marketed its products as being able to run the XO software,” the organization said. “The best Intel could offer in regards to an ‘Intel inside’ XO laptop was one that would be more expensive and consume more power—exactly the opposite direction of OLPC’s stated mandate and vision.”

The foundation had planned to debut a version of the XO laptop containing an Intel microprocessor at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week, according to Information Week. But in the official hardware specifications for the XO laptop, the microprocessor at the core of the machine is a 433-Megahertz Geode LX-700 from Intel competitor AMD.

Even the two organizations’ final split was marked by acrimony. “It is clear that Intel’s heart has never been in working collaboratively as a part of OLPC,” Bender’s statement said. “This is well illustrated by the way in which our separation was announced singlehandedly by Intel; Intel issued a statement to the press behind our backs while simultaneously asking us to work on a joint statement with them. Actions do speak louder than words in this case. As we said in the past, we view the children as a mission; Intel views them as a market.”

Author: Wade Roush

Between 2007 and 2014, I was a staff editor for Xconomy in Boston and San Francisco. Since 2008 I've been writing a weekly opinion/review column called VOX: The Voice of Xperience. (From 2008 to 2013 the column was known as World Wide Wade.) I've been writing about science and technology professionally since 1994. Before joining Xconomy in 2007, I was a staff member at MIT’s Technology Review from 2001 to 2006, serving as senior editor, San Francisco bureau chief, and executive editor of Before that, I was the Boston bureau reporter for Science, managing editor of supercomputing publications at NASA Ames Research Center, and Web editor at e-book pioneer NuvoMedia. I have a B.A. in the history of science from Harvard College and a PhD in the history and social study of science and technology from MIT. I've published articles in Science, Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Technology and Culture, Alaska Airlines Magazine, and World Business, and I've been a guest of NPR, CNN, CNBC, NECN, WGBH and the PBS NewsHour. I'm a frequent conference participant and enjoy opportunities to moderate panel discussions and on-stage chats. My personal site: My social media coordinates: Twitter: @wroush Facebook: LinkedIn: Google+ : YouTube: Flickr: Pinterest: