In just a few days, Xconomy will hold its first public event of the summer, our forum on “The Promise and Reality of Cloud Computing.” Tickets for the June 24 event, which runs from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm at Akamai headquarters at Eight Cambridge Center in Kendall Square, are going fast. But you can still register online here (the cost is $125).
It’s going to be our most ambitious event yet. We’re proud to have three stellar keynote speakers lined up: famed technology writer Nicholas Carr, author of Does IT Matter? and The Big Switch; Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Chairman Emeritus at the IBM Academy of Technology and a noted technology strategist and futurist; and Josh Coates, founder of Scale8 and Mozy and a pioneer in cloud-based computer backup systems. Representatives from Google, Microsoft, Sun, Akamai, EnterpriseDB, and StyleFeeder are among others participating in the day.
In addition to the keynotes, the event will feature two in-depth panel discussions. The first panel will explore the latest cloud-computing projects at Google, IBM, Sun, and Microsoft, and the other companies pushing forward the state of the art in scalable, distributed, on-demand computing. The second panel will explain how entrepreneurs and businesspeople can get started in cloud computing themselves, using services from providers such as Akamai, Amazon, EMC, and EnterpriseDB.
Of course, there will be plenty of time for Q&A, socializing, and networking. And event host Akamai will be taking participants on a tour of its global network operations command center (NOCC), which has a view on about one-fifth of all traffic passing through the Internet.
The detailed agenda is below. We hope to see you there
1:00-1:10 Welcome and Introduction from Bob Buderi, CEO of Xconomy, and Akamai
1:10-1:40 Opening Keynote by Nicholas Carr, author of The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, From Edison to Google
1:40-2:00 Second Keynote by Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Chairman Emeritus, IBM Academy of Technology
2:00-3:10 Panel 1: The Cutting Edge of Cloud Computing
- Wade Roush, Moderator
- Matthew Gray, co-founder NetGenesis, Software Architect, Google
- Sim Simeonov, Technology Partner, Polaris Venture Partners
- Rich Zippel, Vice President of Technology, Chief Technologist’s Office, Sun Microsystems
- Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Chairman Emeritus, IBM Academy of Technology
- Scott Jamison, Director, Enterprise Architecture, Microsoft Northeast Enterprise Group
3:10-3:45 Coffee and Cookie Break
3:45-4:00 Mini-keynote by Josh Coates, Founder and CTO, EMC Mozy
4:00-5:10 Panel 2: How to Enter the Cloud
- John Landry, former CTO Lotus and Founder, Lead Dog Ventures, Moderator
- Andy Champagne, Chief Technologist, Engineering, Akamai
- Philip Jacob, Founder and CTO, StyleFeeder
- Lewis Cunningham, cloud architect, EnterpriseDB
- Josh Coates, Founder and CTO, EMC Mozy
5:15-6:30 Networking and Tours of Akamai Network Operations Command Center