University of Washington Engineered Biomaterials (UWEB) Transitions Into the 21st Century

In 1996, I received a $40M+, 11-year grant from the National Science Foundation to launch University of Washington Engineered Biomaterials (UWEB). UWEB focused on the biomaterials used to make medical devices and medical diagnostics. Medical devices and diagnostics are estimated to be a $150B+ endeavor. Though devices manufactured by the medical industry save lives and improve the quality of life for millions, there are significant issues that impede device performance and increase costs to the healthcare system and the patient. These issues include blood clotting, infection, poor healing, fouling, mineralization, degradation, and scarring. UWEB approached these compelling problems though collaborative, interdisciplinary teams that included engineers, materials scientists, chemists, biologists, physicians, and dentists.

The research program addressed issues confronting biomaterials and medical devices with an eye toward the needs of patients and the industry. In 11 years, UWEB revolutionized implant healing, developed new strategies to address calcification, evolved fouling-resistant surfaces, proposed new blood compatible surfaces, invented approaches to reduce infection on biomaterials, and invented drug delivery strategies. Also, UWEB expanded its scope to include tissue engineering (heart, esophagus, bladder, cornea, bone, cartilage, etc.). UWEB innovations led to at least 6 spin-off companies, including Asemblon and Healionics. Finally, a generation of students was trained in understanding modern biomaterials and also how industry works. These students now fill numerous positions in major companies, research labs, hospitals, and universities.

It’s time to take the next step and get industry more directly involved. UWEB-21 will take UWEB and expand it to the next level—a program to address needs for 21st-century biomaterials. My proposal is that UWEB laboratories and scientists will partner with UWEB-21 consortium companies to provide analytical services, to collaborate on research and device development, to pursue funding opportunities, to review IP licensing opportunities, and to assist with recruitment and training.

So I’m looking to the community for involvement and commitment. UWEB-21 is now seeking partners in our industrial consortium. Partnership is the key concept—all players reap rewards. The Puget Sound region has numerous medical device and diagnostics companies. The resources and expertise available at the University of Washington are widely acknowledged to be among the best in the world. UWEB-21 is set up to offer real value to companies partnering with this program. If you join UWEB-21, you will help support Washington as a world center for biomaterials and also open new resources for your company. For further information, write to me at: [email protected].

Author: Buddy Ratner

Dr. Buddy D. Ratner is the Director of University of Washington Engineered Biomaterials (UWEB) Engineering Research Center and the Michael L. and Myrna Darland Endowed Chair in Technology Commercialization. He is Professor of Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington. Dr. Ratner received his Ph.D. (1972) in polymer chemistry from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. From 1985-1996 he directed the NIH-funded National ESCA and Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical Problems (NESAC/BIO). In 1996, he assumed the directorship of UWEB. He is the editor of the Journal of Undergraduate Research in BioEngineering, an Associate Editor of Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, on the advisory board of Biointerphases and serves on the editorial boards of ten other journals. He is a past president of the Society For Biomaterials. He has authored over 400 scholarly works and has 17 issued patents. Ratner is a fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), the American Vacuum Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the International College of Fellows Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUS-BSE). Ratner served as president of AIMBE, 2002-2003. In 2002 Ratner was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA. In 2003 he was elected President of Tissue Engineering Society of North America (TESNA). He is now on the council of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS). He has participated in the launch of four companies based on technologies from his laboratory. He has won numerous awards including Medard W. Welch Award of the American Vacuum Society (2002), Founders Award of the Society for Biomaterials (2004), C. William Hall Award from the Society for Biomaterials (2006) and the BMES Pritzker Distinguished Lecturer Award (2008). His research interests include biomaterials, tissue engineering, polymers, biocompatibility, surface analysis of organic materials, self assembly, nanobiotechnology and RF-plasma thin film deposition.