Xconomy’s growing audience in the Seattle area just got even bigger. Today, my colleague Greg Huang and I are thrilled to announce that our company has formed a partnership with one of the heavyweights of the Northwest news business, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Under this deal, the P-I readers will get access to Xconomy news and feature stories about local technology, alternative energy, and life sciences, selections of which will be posted every day on its website at its seattletechreport website. The P-I may run these stories in its print version as well, just as it might run a piece from the Associated Press or Bloomberg News. In return, we can run certain content from the P-I on our Xconomy Seattle and other Xconomy websites, bringing the P-I’s own great coverage to a wider audience across the country.
We see this mutual syndication deal as further validation of the high-quality journalism we’re doing, and our ability to build a fast-growing business audience in our first six months in Seattle. Our readership has been climbing rapidly, almost doubling across our network since June when we launched the Xconomy Seattle site. We now have more than 100,000 unique visitors a month who come regularly to our sites in Boston, Seattle, and San Diego. The P-I deal will only amplify this growth. Its main site, seattlepi.com, has some 4 million unique visitors a month, who generate more than 45 million page views.
“The P-I is happy to enter a content partnership that will strengthen seattletechreport.com by adding Xconomy’s respected content, and at the same time give our own award-winning tech coverage a wider online distribution,” said David McCumber, the P-I’s managing editor.
Xconomy co-founder and CEO Bob Buderi, who negotiated the P-I deal, said this is one example of creative partnerships that traditional media can form with startups to better serve readers and advertisers who are migrating to the Internet. “We are pleased to join with such a premier news organization as the P-I in a partnership that we expect will be of strong benefit to the Seattle innovation community and beyond,” Buderi said.
Greg and I have been really excited by the amount of support we’ve gotten from the community in Xconomy’s first six months here in Seattle, and we see this P-I partnership as another important sign of our growth. Thank you readers, for helping us build an exciting new kind of online news organization.