One Day Til XSITE: Just A Few Seats Left, but Plenty of Innovation to Go Around

This is it. After two months of all-out effort here at Xconomy, we are just about ready to rock and roll with XSITE 2009 at Boston University. The event starts first thing tomorrow morning, so we are down to the wire. We have over 350 people registered and fewer than 20 tickets left (get yours here). And we very much hope to see you there for a day focused on innovation in New England. “The Recovery Starts Here” is our motto, and we believe it.

There are fabulous keynote speakers like Dean Kamen and Juan Enriquez, and plenary panels that include Innovating Early Stage Venture and Meet the Innovators, featuring some of New England’s visionary entrepreneurs and innovators. Then come the breakout sessions on strategies for bringing energy innovations to market, how IT is transforming healthcare, and Boston’s little-known digital entertainment cluster (one of Wade’s favorite topics, which is why he’s the moderator).

And that’s just a sample of the day’s festivities. Other highlights of the day include:

—a special video update on Terrafugia’s roadable aircraft
—the XSITE Xpo, rapid-fire presentations from a dozen of New England’s leading startups, each with the potential to transform their fields
—two stealth company debuts
—a series of special announcements from attending companies

And then, of course, we’ll party, as the day will wrap up with a networking reception for all attendees. Hope you’re among them!