The Greater Vancouver Gaming Cluster

MagMic Games
Based in Ottawa with an office in Vancouver. Makes casual and mobile games.

Piranha Games
Made Playground for Nintendo DS, along with Medal of Honor and Need for Speed games for PSP.

Powerup Studios
Makes mobile games like Night of a Million Billion Zombies.

Propaganda Games
Division of Disney Interactive Studios; develops action games with Disney license.

Pug Pharm Games
Social network game developer.

Relic Entertainment
Now a division of THQ, makes Warhammer 40,000 and Company of Heroes games.

Shift Control Media
Makers of online games like Coca-Cola Happiness Factory and Starwood Hotels.

Slant Six Games
Makes military video games like SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3.

SpinTop Games
Vancouver subsidiary of PopCap Games.  Wide variety of games available for trial and then purchase.

Smoking Gun Interactive
Founded in 2007, still working on first game.

Acquired a Vancouver game company, Action Pants, as part of an expansion to Canada.

United Front Games
Founded in 2007, currently developing games for PS3 and Xbox 360.

Online 3D game/social networking site.