NWEN Venture Breakfast

Seeing the Future— Building a Business to Seize a Future Market (more info and registration here).

Speaker: Ivan Braiker, CEO of HipCricket

Close your eyes and imagine that the startup you are currently contemplating. Now ask yourself: Can you see around corners and into the future so you know what’s coming? Do you see the trends, patterns and connections that others haven’t yet? Have you dissected the problem so that you understand how things are, how they might be, and how to get there? Do you have a clear vision of the limitations? Can you vividly describe this ‘new future’ so that others get it and can support it?

Entrepreneurial fortunes are won (or lost) based on an entrepreneur’s visionary acumen. Ivan Braiker, CEO of HipCricket, a mobile marketing company he co-founded in 2004, knows this. In addition to co-founding HipCricket, he has’ launched two other companies. Success in each depended on being able to see into the future of each industry—and create a new market value proposition.