TechFlash LIVE: Women in Tech

Info and registration here.

At a time when technology leaders are seeking ways to increase the number of women in the industry, the TechFlash Women in Seattle Tech initiative will serve as a resource in identifying the women already making a mark in a wide variety of technological fields. The effort will evolve over time, and we’re seeking additional input from the Seattle technology community as we determine where to take the initiative next.

We also hope to help galvanize Seattle’s community of women in technology. To celebrate these women and to learn from their leadership, we’re hosting an event on Oct. 28, 2009 at the W Hotel in Seattle. We’ll have a networking reception and a panel discussion featuring several top women in Seattle technology, exploring themes in leadership, science, computing and engineering.

Moderator: Christine Chen, Principal, Chen Communications

–Lucinda Stewart, Managing Director, OVP Venture Partners
–Lili Cheng, Director, Microsoft Research
–Trish Millines Dziko, Executive Director, Technology Access Foundation
–Yoky Matsuoka, Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington