Burnham Recruits Michael Jackson (No Relation) To Create New Drugs

The Burnham Institute for Medical Research just recruited a big name guy from the pharmaceutical industry. His job is to move basic discoveries along the treacherous next few steps to make them into a pill in a bottle that helps patients.

It’s important work, but if you don’t know him, don’t even bother trying to gather some background on him from Google or Bing.

Why? His name is Michael Jackson (Michael R. Jackson to be a little more precise). With a name like that, he could cure Alzheimer’s someday and he’ll still be anonymous compared with the now-deceased King of Pop.

“It will be tough to ever compete with his Google hits,” says Burnham’s Jackson, with a laugh.

Like most academic research centers, the San Diego-based Burnham measures its impact on the world by success at winning competitive peer-reviewed grants, getting discoveries published in top scientific journals, and watching other scientists cite the Burnham’s research as our scientific understanding of biology advances. But that can also make for a lot of dusty papers sitting on shelves that never end up really getting applied in a way that helps patients. Burnham CEO John Reed (who is also a San Diego Xconomist) told me last month the institute is pushing to make sure it does more to translate basic research into something a little more applied. Once the idea has cleared some more scientific hurdles, it can then spin out into a new company, or get handed off through a licensing agreement to a commercial partner who carries out the long, difficult journey of drug development.

Michael R. Jackson
Michael R. Jackson

That’s why the Burnham recruited Jackson, 49, as its first-ever vice president for drug discovery and development. When I spoke to Reed a few weeks ago, he said he thought Burnham was the only academic research center with a position like this, which is usually found at Big Pharma companies like Johnson & Johnson—where Jackson used to work. (Burnham also recruited an experienced biotech entrepreneur, Paul Laikind, to be its new chief business officer to help cut deals with biotech and pharma companies.)

This struck me as one of those interesting personnel moves that might say something meaningful about both the state of academic research and of the pharmaceutical industry. The National Institutes of Health have been pushing researchers for years to get more serious about something called “translational” research, which is sometimes defined as taking research “from lab bench to bedside.” Meanwhile, big pharmaceutical and biotech companies have been cutting back on their research budgets, leaving many of the advances in translational research with no way to move forward to commercialization. This is an example of biotech’s fabled “Valley of Death,” where lots of good ideas fall through the cracks because they are still considered too risky to justify significant investment from profit-driven companies. Even among drugs considered promising enough to enter clinical trials, the industry rule of thumb is that only one out of 10 will ever make it all the way to FDA approval as a new drug. So if Burnham doesn’t carry forward its discoveries a little further along to make them less risky, the reasoning goes, who will?

“It’s a sign of the times,” Jackson says. “The Big Pharma companies are to an extent, backing away from certain aspects of drug discovery. They are looking to other places for it. The world is changing.”

Given that backdrop, Jackson joined the Burnham last month after 15 years climbing the ladder at J&J, where he last served as senior vice president of drug discovery. He started that company’s La Jolla research site, which generated a number of compounds for animal testing, many of which are progressing through clinical trials.

I asked Jackson why he left Big Pharma, because even though the Burnham

Author: Luke Timmerman

Luke is an award-winning journalist specializing in life sciences. He has served as national biotechnology editor for Xconomy and national biotechnology reporter for Bloomberg News. Luke got started covering life sciences at The Seattle Times, where he was the lead reporter on an investigation of doctors who leaked confidential information about clinical trials to investors. The story won the Scripps Howard National Journalism Award and several other national prizes. Luke holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and during the 2005-2006 academic year, he was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT.