Your 2 cents for Life Science Innovation Northwest 2010

[Editor’s note: This editorial was co-authored by Neile Grayson, who, along with Valerie, is a co-chair of the program committee for Life Sciences Innovation Northwest 2010.]

On March 16-17, 2010, the Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (WBBA) will present Life Science Innovation Northwest 2010 (formerly “Invest Northwest”). This tenth annual conference has a new name, a new look, and a new program. Innovation has supercharged the Pacific Northwest’s biotech and medical device industries for decades. And our life sciences companies, nonprofit research institutes and global health organizations are leading the way. And, we are pushing forward some of the most compelling technology breakthroughs of our time. As such, this year’s forum has been refocused and rebranded to better identify and highlight these unique and powerful assets, defining the Pacific Northwest’s life science sector.

Life Science Innovation Northwest will bring public and private life sciences companies, research institutions, scientists, entrepreneurs, and our global health community together to tell their stories to potential investors and prospective corporate and strategic partners.

Neile Grayson
Neile Grayson

What does it take to succeed in Biotech? How to get federal grants? Exit Strategies in today’s market? As the executive planning committee is defining talks and panel discussions topics, we welcome your feedback to help us create a conference that will not only fit your needs and interests, but help to create better health solutions in Washington state. Please post your suggestions below.

Thanks and See you in March.

Author: Valerie Carricaburu

Valerie Carricaburu is a Technology Manager at UW TechTransfer, where she manages a portfolio of technologies in Life Sciences. Valerie completed her PhD in Neurosciences in Bordeaux, France, and then studied the role of a recently discovered signal transduction pathway at the Boston Biomedical Research Institute, MA. Her job at UW TechTransfer is to protect and manage intellectual property arising from UW research, to license intellectual property rights to industry and to help catalyze the creation of new companies based on UW technologies. Valerie is the Program Committee co-chair for Life Science Innovation Northwest 2010, is a member of WBBA events program committee, and is on the Board of Directors of the French-American Chamber of Commerce (Pacific Northwest Chapter).