Ready, Set, Go Public—The 10 Things You Need to Do Now

The IPO market is open for business. The IPO market window has slammed shut. Which is it? Unless your IPO is pricing in the next week or two, it doesn’t matter. The reality is that IPO planning typically takes six to 12 months. If you hope to go public in the next year-and want to be ready when that elusive IPO window opens-here are 10 things you need to start addressing now:

• Clean House: No, not your personal residence, your corporate house. Think of it as “corporate housekeeping.” This means getting your corporate affairs in order for the IPO process and subsequent public company life. Key tasks include reviewing your agreements, transactions, stock and option records, websites, and legal compliance to identify and fix issues before going public. Corporate housekeeping should also include candid assessments of intellectual property, human resources, tax, and other key business matters.

• Tick and Tie: IPO planning requires a lot of accounting work. You need to follow strict rules, make sure your auditors are independent, and pay attention to Sarbanes-Oxley. Accounting issues can add months to the IPO process, so it’s best to root them out early. You’ll also want to get a jump start on internal controls since their development consumes time and effort-the good news is that full implementation of Sarbanes Oxley’s infamous Section 404 won’t be required for at least one year after the IPO.

• Find the Financials: The Form S-1 registration statement for an IPO must contain audited financial statements prepared in accordance with SEC, GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), and PCAOB requirements (the last acronym refers to the group that regulates the accounting profession.) The basic financial statement requirements are well known to every CFO. Less familiar are SEC rules that may require additional financial statements for recent acquisitions or dispositions-or even pending deals! To avoid unpleasant surprises, make sure all required financial statements are available, particularly if you’ve engaged in significant M&A transactions.

• Be Quiet: Once the formal IPO process begins, SEC rules create a “quiet period” during which you must avoid public communications that promote the company to prospective investors. Tweeting or blogging about your IPO plans are definite no-no’s. Violations can have draconian consequences, including delay of the IPO. An external communications policy can help avoid quiet period violations. The policy should designate the company’s authorized spokespersons; instruct employees to refer inquiries to those spokespersons; state that the company will not comment regarding rumors or inquiries concerning prospective corporate developments; and prohibit employees from discussing or disclosing internal company information outside the company.

• Fill the Board Room: SEC and stock exchange rules impose a number of requirements on public company boards and board committees. A majority of the company’s directors must

Author: David Westenberg

David A. Westenberg, a partner in the Corporate Practice Group of WilmerHale in Boston, is author of the acclaimed book Initial Public Offerings: A Practical Guide to Going Public (Practising Law Institute, October 2009).