Global Health Dialogues

What is the best part of any scientific conference you have attended? The seminars? Nope. The poster sessions? No way! The plenary speech? You have to be kidding. The vendors? Not much swag in this economy.

The best part of any conference is sitting around the table at a restaurant or pub discussing the latest work with your peers. Drinks, food and conversation. More research began its journey on a cocktail napkin than any other source.

Seattle has more researchers, with more money, working on issues that impact global health than almost any other city in the U.S. Why not get them together to meet each other and discuss their work, in a setting as convivial as a pub table?

That is the goal of the Global Health Dialogues, sponsored by the Washington Global Health Alliance. The dialogues will use a novel format to help foster conversations. No PowerPoint. No lecturer. No podium. Just peers discussing a relevant topic. But only after a suitable period for making connections, eating some food and downing some drinks.

The first Global Health Dialogues were very successful with a large number of vibrant discussions.

The next Global Health Dialogues will take place February 24 from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Discovery Room at SBRI. Dr. Helen Horton and Dr. Corey Casper will be there to discuss the intersection of infectious disease and cancer. But there will also be lots of opportunity to chat about almost anything.

So, if you are a researcher in Seattle exploring global health, or just interested in global health issues, the Washington Global Health Alliance invites you to join the dialogue on February 24. Meet some of your peers. Try some food. Imbibe some liquid refreshment. And become part of the Global Health Dialogues. For more information on how to register, click here.