local companies and the compelling technologies they have developed. Leading our case study lineup is Ron Pitt, a solar energy industry veteran and the founding CEO of EcoDog, a Vista, CA, company that has developed an energy-tracking “watchdog” device for homeowners. Our case study presentations also include CEO Joaquin Silva of On-Ramp Wireless, which has developed a low-power wireless sensor and communication system for industrial-scale monitoring, and CEO David Johnson of Achates Power, a semi-stealthy local company that has largely refrained from talking publicly about the radically innovative engine design it has under development—until now.
We also have organized 4-minute presentations from executives at some of San Diego’s most-exciting energy startups in a series of “burst” presentations that have proved highly popular at other Xconomy events. They’re intended to provide a rapid overview of the range of technology innovation underway in our region, and our lineup includes PowerGenix, Pyron Solar, and 5th Generation Solar.
Please join us for an inspiring and informative afternoon on smart energy. Registration begins at 1 p.m., and our program will run from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and includes plenty of time for networking. You can see details on how to register online by clicking here.
Immediately following our forum, Calit2 is organizing a reception and networking event that’s intended to showcase U.C. San Diego research projects in smart grids and sustainability. It will be a catalog of insights and information about smart energy, and we look forward to seeing you on June 8.