Dodd Bill Update: Listening to the Market

Like an entrepreneur listening to market feedback while designing a product, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn) has made some improvements to features of his pending legislation that we described last month. Originally designed to fight the “too big to fail” problem in the financial markets, many constituents—including the Angel Capital Association and the National Venture Capital Association—have highlighted that it could inadvertently render startups “too small to succeed.” These new enhancements are steps in the right direction. The legislation is still pending, however, and other voices—particularly state regulators seeking more power—could oppose the amendments and hinder entrepreneurs.

Senator Dodd has proposed two amendments to his own legislation based on feedback from the entrepreneurial community. One would leave the current standard for accredited investor at a net worth of $1 million (as previously proposed, the bill would have more than doubled this figure) but would add a new provision that the calculation would exclude the value of the investor’s primary residence. It also would allow the Securities and Exchange Commission to revisit the definition periodically. The other amendment would maintain regulatory consistency across states for entrepreneurs raising money while disqualifying parties who have been identified as “bad actors” by state or federal regulators.

While no change to the accreditation standard would have been preferable, Dodd’s new approach is a reasonable compromise. The change to the regulatory environment provides uniformity for entrepreneurs while increasing investor protections for all types of private fund raising.

Many state regulators reportedly are still continuing to seek to expand their control over private fund raising and might oppose these positive steps for entrepreneurs. We hope Senator Dodd and his colleagues continue their support of entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic growth and pass the legislation and these amendments.

Author: James Geshwiler

As Managing Director of CommonAngels Ventures, James runs one of the first formal venture capital investing networks and the largest in the Northeast. He joined CommonAngels in 1999 when it was an informal group of private investors, and since that time has grown it into a structured network that has invested $44 million from individual investors and two $10 million co-investment funds in 39 companies and worked with them through over 100 rounds of financing totaling over $270 million. James also was the founding chairman of the Angel Capital Association, the professional alliance of angel groups that has grown from 46 groups as charter members to now over 125, representing over 5,000 investors. He also was the founding chairman of ACA's sister organization, the Angel Capital Education Foundation, in partnership with the Kauffman Foundation. AECF works with angel investors, venture capitalists, academic leaders and entrepreneurs around the country to provide research and educational programs on angel investing. He is a contributing author to Cutting-Edge Practices in American Angel Investing, published in October 2003 by Darden Business Publishing of the University of Virginia, has written papers and various articles on angel investment processes, and regularly speaks on entrepreneurship and private investing. He holds a bachelor's degree with highest honors from the Liberal Arts Honors Program at the University of Texas at Austin, a master's degree in political science from UCLA, and an MBA from MIT's Sloan School of Management. James also is an avid rower and a member of Cambridge Boat Club. [Editor's note: CommonAngels is the lead investor in Xconomy.]