Chase Franklin Departs Daptiv

Seattle-based Daptiv, a maker of project management software, has reduced its staff from 105 to 90 people, and CEO Chase Franklin has stepped down, according to a report in TechFlash. Franklin, the co-founder and former CEO of mobile commerce firm Qpass, joined Daptiv last September, but was unable to raise a new financing round for the company’s growth plan. Mark Klebanoff, Daptiv’s chief operating officer, is taking over as president and CEO, and says the company is profitable and expecting to reach $20 million in recurring revenue this year, according to TechFlash. Daptiv, formerly called eProject, was founded in 1997 and has raised more than $20 million since 2007. Its investors include Bay Partners, Kennet Partners, King Street Partners, and Wolf Bay Holdings.

Author: Gregory T. Huang

Greg is a veteran journalist who has covered a wide range of science, technology, and business. As former editor in chief, he overaw daily news, features, and events across Xconomy's national network. Before joining Xconomy, he was a features editor at New Scientist magazine, where he edited and wrote articles on physics, technology, and neuroscience. Previously he was senior writer at Technology Review, where he reported on emerging technologies, R&D, and advances in computing, robotics, and applied physics. His writing has also appeared in Wired, Nature, and The Atlantic Monthly’s website. He was named a New York Times professional fellow in 2003. Greg is the co-author of Guanxi (Simon & Schuster, 2006), about Microsoft in China and the global competition for talent and technology. Before becoming a journalist, he did research at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab. He has published 20 papers in scientific journals and conferences and spoken on innovation at Adobe, Amazon, eBay, Google, HP, Microsoft, Yahoo, and other organizations. He has a Master’s and Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT, and a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.