Xconomy’s Journey Stretches to the ‘Next World’: San Francisco

a publication that puts entrepreneurs and innovators first: that looks underneath the daily news stream for original stories about the nuts-and-bolts challenges of turning great ideas into successful businesses.

That’s what we do. We are storytellers, not buzz-chasers. We will do real reporting, not drive-by rehashes of the day’s headlines. We seek to lead the pack, not mimic it. Having honed our model in four other innovation hubs, we think we’re ready for the biggest market of all—and with our multi-nodal network, we think we can bring important national context to our coverage of Bay Area innovators without succumbing to groupthink and herd behavior.

There’s another side to Xconomy that you won’t see in other publications, and that’s our devotion to the whole spectrum of innovation. Advances in Web software, mobile technology, and other areas of information technology are certainly changing how people live and work faster than ever, and will be a huge part of our coverage in San Francisco. But the revolution in biotechnology and super-fast and cheap genome sequencing is just beginning to transform medicine. And, ultimately, none of the infotech and biotech advances will make any difference unless energy entrepreneurs can find ways to power industrial civilization while slowing climate change. Cleantech, as venture capitalist John Doerr has said, may be the biggest opportunity of all in the 21st century.

We have been assigned the primary responsibility of bringing you these stories from San Francisco every day, as we do in our other cities. On the infotech side, you’ll be seeing Wade’s byline a lot; he’ll be on the ground full-time in San Francisco, working from Xconomy’s new office in the Potrero Hill/Dogpatch neighborhood, a few blocks from the industrial revival occurring in San Francisco’s Mission Bay neighborhood. Luke, who’s based in Seattle but shuttles frequently to SFO, will spearhead our life sciences coverage in the Bay Area and nationwide. The two of us will work together on energy and cleantech stories. And we’ll have help from the whole Xconomy staff, across all of the cities in our network, as well as a group of talented freelancers.

Both of us have experienced San Francisco’s charms, and made a lot of great contacts, in our past work. Wade got to know The City when he was the regional bureau chief for MIT’s Technology Review from 2001 to 2006. Right before he joined Xconomy, Luke was based in San Francisco as U.S. biotech reporter for Bloomberg News. We believe that our complementary set of experiences and contacts across information technology and life sciences will serve us well.

To sum up, here’s what you can expect from Xconomy San Francisco:

  • Daily breaking news and in-depth analysis of developments in the Bay Area life sciences, infotech, and energy scenes.
  • An obsession with innovative people and how they get their ideas to market, with a focus on what works and what doesn’t.
  • Accurate, even-handed, professional reporting.
  • Commentary and insight from leading technologists and entrepreneurs across our network.
  • Great networking events and content-rich conferences that bring together leaders—often from around Xconomy’s network—to talk about major industry trends and business ideas.

We hope you’ll make Xconomy a regular stop on your daily Web travels. You can subscribe to our e-mail newsletters or RSS feeds, or follow us on Twitter (@xconomy, @wroush, @ldtimmerman). We’re mobile-friendly (at m.xconomy.com, though most mobile Web browsers will redirect you there automatically), and we also have a daily Kindle edition. And we always welcome your comments and story ideas. You can reach us at [email protected], [email protected], or just [email protected].

We look forward to meeting many of you in person. You’ll be seeing a lot of us around this delightful city, as Wilde would say, looking for the attractions of the next world.

Author: Wade Roush and Luke Timmerman

Wade Roush is Xconomy's chief correspondent and editor of Xconomy San Francisco. Luke Timmerman is Xconomy's national biotechnology editor and editor of Xconomy Seattle.