See You at the Xconomy Seattle Open House, to Welcome Thea and Say Goodbye to Greg

It’s almost time to finish up tomorrow’s stories and make the beer run here at Xconomy Seattle. In case you missed our note on Monday, we’re having a little open house for our friends and readers from 4 pm to 7 pm today at 1102 Columbia Street on First Hill.

This will be a chance to say goodbye to Greg before he heads off to run the editorial show for Xconomy Boston, and to get introduced to Thea Chard, our new assistant editor covering all things tech-related in the Northwest.

The best way to enter is through the side door at the corner of Columbia and Boren Avenue. This is a secured entry, but we’ll let you in and show you the way to free beer and wine.

Did we mention the free beer and wine? See you this afternoon.