NWEN Breakfast Buzz: Game On

Info and registration here.

Let’s face it – another business networking event in the heat of summer (come on, heat) just isn’t that appealing. You’d really rather be gaming. At NWEN we feel your pain – and so we’ve combined the best of both worlds for our next breakfast. Our festive topic is the phenomenon of “gamification:” installing “funware” in your business. This new trend cuts across every consumer-facing industry, from brick-and-mortar hospitality to web 2.0 technology. If you understand what drives people to strive for points, badges, leader-board rankings, and VIP status in the context of a social network or community, you may just increase loyalty, decrease churn, and amp up the monetization in your startup. Join us as nationally renowned expert Scott Dodson of Bobber Interactive shares insights and some of eye-opening case studies of this red hot trend.

One more point: a topic like this begs for audience participation and a very casual Friday. We encourage shorts and t-shirts, within some modicum of good taste (think your company picnic!). Attire is festive, mimosas are optional, and we’ll have a creative twist on networking. Fabulous prizes include free event passes and bragging rights. Let the games begin!