TechCrunch presents a day-long conference about the intersection of the Web and traditional retailing. From the event writeup: “As early adopters of technology, we’ve all grown accustomed that our opinions and product uses are not indicative of the average consumer. So what happens when we hit an inflection point and the masses matter? Do we really know what local merchants / SMBs need to support their businesses? What do we need to know about consumer psychology so our digitally delivered discounts resonate with consumers? What retail rules of the road do we need to honor to close a sale? How do we blend the best of virtual and real currencies to entertain consumers? That’s what we’re going to explore at the Social Currency CrunchUp. We’re going to mix up real-world consumers and traditional retailers and marketers alongside the hottest new startups to shake things up and debate the future. Social currency is where the web meets real world commerce. CrunchUps are highly participatory one-day conferences hosted by TechCrunch where we focus in on important “now” themes in non-traditional formats. Join us for the day to help shape the future of geo-location platforms and services. Then, join the fun and networking at August Capital for a beautiful evening on the best deck of all of Sand Hill Road. Speakers to be announced, but trust us and get a ticket. You’ll love the agenda and seating is limited.”
Information and registration here.