Mass Innovation Nights: Build and Perfect Your Pitch

Information and registration here.


Everyone calls it a, many call it the, key to business success. Yet how well prepared are you to make your business case to your key audiences?

• If you call your slides “The Presentation”,
• If you think the presentation is about you or your company, If you sometimes feel you don’t know where to
start or put off preparing until the last minute,
• If you would like a more logical structure to your presentations,
• If you can’t succinctly deliver your business plan executive summary in a minute or less…

If any of the above are true, you’ll be surprised to learn that you may be out before you even step up to the plate! You get only one strike (if you’re lucky) with investors, partners, prospects and other key constituents.

So, What’s An Entrepreneur To Do?

This interactive workshop focuses on professional business communication including preparation, structure, delivery, strategy, use of visual aids, and handling questions and answers. You’ll learn:

• How to build, rehearse, evaluate, deliver and evaluate again the presentation of your business to each (different) audience.

• How to make it about the audience (a value proposition).

• How to make it memorable by building great visual aids – simple yet compelling graphic slides that convey your message (it’s not your text on the slides, those are notes not visual aids).

• Finally, and maybe most importantly, what do you want to persuade them to do? This is business, it’s always persuasive and never “informational” (another strike).

Workshop Structure

Two levels of attendance are offered:

Presenters. A limited number of people will have the opportunity to get personal assistance in building, preparing, presenting and evaluating their investor presentation. We will help you with your essential message, main themes, turning your slides into great graphic visual aids and the overall “tools” that will make your presentation credible, memorable and authentic.

Attendees. Will take part in this interactive seminar/workshop and observe investor presentations being built, rehearsed and evaluated. The skills and techniques being developed and used by those presenting will dramatically improve your presentation expertise and confidence.

Workshop Presenters

Tom Kennedy, IMC CMC, is president of The Kennedy Group. He has more than 15 years of experience in successfully coaching C-level executives and entrepreneurs at MIT, IBM, Roach, Millipore, Iron Mountain and others. Tom is an Associated Press award winning broadcaster and former adjunct professor at Emerson College.

Margery Stegman is a partner at Schenkel/Stegman Communications Design, a full-service graphic design firm that helps technology-driven companies create online and offline visual tools, such as identity/branding, web sites, presentations, brochures and trade show graphics for marketing, sales and investor communications.