Mongo Boston

Mongo Boston will explore development with the open source, non-relational, document-oriented database MongoDB. The conference will feature sessions on schema design, indexing, administration, replication, sharding, and more. In addition to these topics, attendees can learn about MongoDB in the real world through a series of presentations about production deployments.

Register now! Early bird discount ends August 30th.

In addition to several of the MongoDB developers from 10gen, confirmed speakers include Brendan McAdams of Novus Partners, Chris Lea of Media Temple, Matt Gillooly of Swipely, Jared Rosoff of Yotta, Ben Wyrosdick & Jason McCay of Common Thread, David Fogel, Benjamin Day, Mitch Pirtle of Spacemonkey Labs, David Makogon of RDA Corporation, and Steve Smith of Ordered List.

Don’t forget the After Party!