A Cure for the Common Conference: HealthCamp Brings Consumer-Driven Health Care to Life

revolutionize how we practice medicine. I learned something valuable at each session I attended and, because of the open format, made dozens of new connections as well. In San Diego, the HealthCamp unconference was made possible by my employer, Kaiser Permanente, as well as Health 2.0, San Diego Pacific Oncology and Hematology Associates, Presidiohealth, TBD Consulting, the West Wireless Health Institute and Kony Solutions.

At Kaiser Permanente, it is part of our mission to provide high quality health care at an affordable cost and encourage healthy behaviors among all the communities we serve. We have a commitment to improving the health of all people, and sharing information and expertise is a big part of that. Events like HealthCamp help us make the connections necessary to accomplish those goals. As a physician, I was inspired by the ideas that developed from HealthCamp and am excited about the next one I get to be a part of.

In the Bay Area HealthCamp, we are partnering with Cisco and Sprint. More information is available at HealthCampSFBay.com. Chaos has never felt so productive.

Author: John Mattison

John Mattison, MD, oversees information systems deployment for Kaiser Permanente in the Southern California region, an area that includes 13 hospitals, 140 clinics, 5,000 physicians, and more than 3 million members. He led the KP HealthConnect project in Southern California, which has been fully implemented in every clinic and hospital, and represents the single largest deployment of a completely integrated electronic health record. His clinical background includes specialties of Internal Medicine and Critical Care.