Isolating the Elusive Management Gene

They have done it. Finally. Biologists at the National University of Singapore have isolated the Management gene. Now DNA technology will forever change how we think about business—and who runs it. That same rigor that was used to sequence the genome can now tell us who is going to be a good/great manager from the hoi polloi.

It’s about time. Think of the possibilities. Think of the implications for high-tech firms, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists.

Our graduate schools of business can get out of that messy, inaccurate, and flawed job of screening applications by assessing their future competence based on their shrill applications. Applicants will no longer have to lie about all the Lessons Learned in their 15 minutes of business experience. They can save their creativity for their future IRS filings. “Don’t bother renting a suit and a tie, and keep wearing those Birkenstocks and tee shirts, but just ship us a snippet of your hair,” Stanford University will say in the future.

On the other hand, will we even NEED graduate schools of business—why even train what is already there? Did Kobe Bryant need college? Kevin Garnett?

How do businessmen achieve immortality today? Either they fund finding a cure for disease, run for high office, or buy an NFL team. But there is a better way than donating tons of money! With the ability to isolate the Management gene, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates will have a superior option—they can just clone that part of themselves. And no more sucking up to other Billionaires and trying convince the superrich to give away half their fortunes. (“Memo to Bill and Warren: Pound Sand! We don’t do Guilt”—signed, The Forbes 398). Look, if you two guys don’t realize we see through this blatant push to win a Nobel Peace Prize, you are sadly mistaken. Oh no, there is a better way to live forever. The ultimate designer gene: BuffetDNA. If you think the sperm from a Kentucky Derby winner is valuable…

But push it even further. If the DNA for management is valuable, how about the DNA for Mismanagement? If there is a gene for management, there must be one for mismanagement/fraud—right? Now Bernie Madoff and Bernie Ebbers can pay back all that money—by licensing their DNA to the recruiting arms of Citibank, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs. Applicants can be rejected without having them ever enter the labor force. (“Prisoners Ebbers, 158-382, and Madoff, 147-362, please report with your plastic cups to the infirmary.”)

The evolutionary psychologists have driven management science out of the ice age—the old saw about culture and socialization being the primary determinants of behavioral differences is dead, dead, dead. Now it is obvious: Biology rules! The difference between individuals and their ability to succeed in business is biological.

OK then, what are the next steps? Will 23andMe become 23foraFee? Wait, there seems

Author: Howard Anderson

Howard Anderson is the William Porter Distinguished Lecturer at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, where he teaches courses in the management of High Tech companies and dealing with Adversity. He has been elected to the Alfred P. Sloan Society, an organization of leading CEO's. He has also been a Visiting Professor at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth University. He sits on the advisory board of 3 Com, A123 Systems and Outside The Classroom. He is the founder of The Yankee Group, a leading high technology analysis firm which he ran from 1970 to 2000 and which was sold in 2000 to Reuters, a New York Stock Exchange firm. He is also an early investor in such companies as VMX, which invented voice mail and Sonus, the first voice over IP company, both of which returned 50 times the original investment. He is the Co-Founder of Battery Ventures, which was formed in 1984 and whose investments include Akamai, InfoSeek, Qtera and Nextel. Battery Ventures currently manages over $1.8 Billion and focuses on early stage investing. He has written on The Language of Pattern Recognition and Why Big Companies Can't Invent which have been published in Technology Review. Mr. Anderson holds a patent on a wrist watch that tells the next day's weather. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in 1966 and The Harvard Business School with an MBA in 1968.