MITEF: Tech to Grid: How Technology Entrepreneurs Can Find Opportunities in the Smart Grid Revolution

Smart Grid is an exciting technology arena that will forever alter how customers think about electricity. The grid’s move to a digital information network is a game-changer for an entire industry – and an opportunity for thousands of entrepreneurs. This sector is attracting millions in investments and billions in federal funding. Like the web, the smart grid gets its smarts from technologies that Northwest entrepreneurs know well. Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Google have already entered the market. How can NW technology entrepreneurs translate their strengths into new opportunities in this high-profile arena? Moderated by Denis Du Bois, CEO of P5 Group, our panel of experts will offer their extensive expertise on the topic: David Kaplan, Founder of V2Green, and presenting entrepreneur; Michael Davis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Michael Atkinson, Alstom Grid; Rick LeFaivre Ph.D., OVP Venture Partners and Chris Heimgartner, Snohomish County Public Utility District.

Event details and registration information here.