Xconomy Forum: Michael Moritz Unplugged

Michael Moritz, a partner at leading venture firm Sequoia Capital since 1986, has been described as the most powerful venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. Routinely ranked at or near the top of Forbes’ Midas List of wealth creators, Moritz has led Sequoia’s investments in Google, Yahoo, PayPal, YouTube, Zappos, Kayak, Sugar, and many other companies. A native of Wales and a graduate of Christ Church College at Oxford, he joined Sequoia after starting a career in journalism at Time magazine.

Michael MoritzIn a rare public appearance, Moritz will speak on stage with Xconomy San Francisco editor Wade Roush about lessons he’s learned after a tumultuous quarter-century seeking out Internet and technology entrepreneurs and helping them create world-changing companies. What defines a great startup founder? Which underappreciated factors account for the Bay Area’s success as a breeding ground for high-growth companies? How is the venture business changing and what are top firms like Sequoia doing differently to court early-stage startups? We’ll explore these issues and more and take your questions.

Register here.

Registration & Networking: 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Program: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Networking reception: 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Tickets are transferable but not refundable.

To inquire about press registration, email [email protected].

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