Nat Findlay is a former Cardinal Health executive and serial entrepreneur who tells me he founded Myca Health in 2002 around technology that enabled people to use their cell phone to take a photo of their meals. The company’s MyFoodPhone application enabled customers to send the picture to an online platform that provided a nutrition journal and access to a “nutrition coach.”
Since then, Myca has expanded into a broader health IT company based in Quebec City, Canada, that provides a full-service technology platform to address what Findlay calls “the Frankenstein problem.” That’s the horror often created to make an electronic medical record (EMR) system work with a physician’s scheduling system, or the office billing system, or other types of practice management software. In the hodge-podge of health IT systems that get stapled together, Findlay explains, “They end up with somebody’s head sewn onto somebody else’s body.”
Myca has developed a cloud-based system, which is intended to serve as a full-service health IT platform that includes scheduling, billing, physician entry orders, EMR, as well as videoconferencing and communications. The company has commercialized its Myca platform in the United States as Hello Health, and Findlay has been working in San Diego in recent weeks to help establish some inroads in Southern California. Of course, this made it a lot easier to recruit the Myca CEO as a panelist for the Xconomy Forum on Health IT—the Consumer Payoff, which is set for tomorrow evening at Johnson & Johnson’s facility atop Torrey Pines Mesa. (More information is available online here).
In providing Myca’s Web-based technology to doctors and clinical practices throughout the U.S., Findlay says, “We’re kind of like Netflix for doctors.” That’s because