device called the PocketPico that is designed to provide accurate current measurements for lab work or in the field.
Student Winners
ReGenerate — $25,000 grand prize. The firm’s founding students from the University of Michigan are working on an alternative to costly solid waste disposal. Their “compact organic waste system” aims use banana peels, apples cores, and other organic waste to produce electricity and valuable compost. Here’s the group’s YouTube video that further explains their technology and business plan.
Reveal Design Automation — $15,000 first runner up prize. The startup, whose founders include a graduate student from the University of Michigan, is developing software designed for microchip makers to verify complex designs in an efficient way. Here’s their YouTube video.
MiEND — $10,000 second runner up prize. This student group from the University of Michigan has developed a system for screening compounds intended to treat neurodegenerative diseases. The system is designed to automate a method of observing neurological activity in worms known as c. elegans in order to identify potential treatments. It’s explained further in the group’s YouTube video.
June Energy — $10,000 people’s choice award. With team members hailing from parts of the world where many people live without electricity in their homes, this team from the University of Michigan is developing a portable device that uses solar energy to provide electricity for electronics. Here’s their very spirited YouTube video presentation.