The Seven Best Places to Close a Deal in Silicon Valley

entrepreneurs with zero hope of ever reaching revenue dollar number one.

Skip the Starbucks and head to Fraiche. Frozen yogurt is where VCs go to meet friends and future friends. If you fail to close a deal there, at least you will have a fair shot at another meeting.

4) Madera, Table 60

This is the default hangout of VC associates. It’s at the Rosewood Sand Hill. Table 60 is right by the fireplace and is ideal. Make sure you put the VC with his back to the fireplace so that you appear in the best light. This is critical during the day, when the early afternoon sun will put you in the power position to close your deal.

5) Evvia

Monday nights here during the double dip recession of 2008-2010 are as packed as they were during the boom times. Good things have numbers in common: Table 60 is the only booth and it seats two 250-pound bean-counters and two founders comfortably. During lunch, this booth is as close to a D.C. power-broker, “see and be seen” table as you will find.

6) Sugar Cafe

I have this theory: Eight women control all the networking power in Silicon Valley. These eight are ever-changing, but they all seem to gravitate to Sugar Cafe. Me, I suck up to these women and man-charm the men.

7) Four Seasons San Francisco: Not the private dining room, but the hotel bar nook. It feels like youre in Philadelphia. Make sure you avoid eye contact with other customers. Palm three waters from the downstairs valet and you will emote “I-sleep-three-hours-per-night-so-I-hydrate.”

Eight Bonus Spots to Close a Deal:

Palace Hotel breakfast buffet during Web 2.0 Summit
St Regis Hotel, 4th Floor
410 Townsend
Taco truck parked outside of Stanford CS 147 Demo Night
Stanford Bishop Auditorium patio area (losers’ bracket of a business plan competition)
Via Fax Machine
The Crunchies AfterParty

Conclusion: It’s just good planning to have a selection of meeting spots in your head, for those times when you’re setting up an important face-to-face. In the comments, share some of yours.

Author: Larry Chiang

Silicon Valley "hyper-networker" Larry Chiang is the founder and CEO of credit advisory service Duck9, the author of the 2009 book What They Don't Teach You at Stanford Business School, and the author of a BusinessWeek MBA Blogs column, "What They Don't Teach You at Business School." He writes on granular, tid-bit tactics to help entrepreneurs. He runs a fund called "Larry Chiang Stanford G51 Fund of Stanford Founders."