It’s Fashionable to Be Early, and Other Startup Lessons from the Innovation Showcase

traction every time with this group. That should be encouraging to innovators and would-be entrepreneurs who have a great technology but haven’t progressed very far down the road to commercialization.

It also should lay to rest any concerns about being too early. We often encounter potential presenters who believe that because their company is so far from the stage at which they would seek capital, they are not ready for this type of forum. But they are not too early: this is the perfect time, and the ideal setting, in which to start gaining traction and to connect with the expertise needed to take their very interesting technology to the next stage. Once we have convinced hesitant innovators to participate, they generally agree that it was a great experience and the right decision.

It Really Does Take a Village

While the companies we spotlight may seem early to the typical angel investor or VC, years of work and millions of research dollars have gone into developing those technologies to the point of commercialization. Grant funding from both public and private sources plays a key role in moving these technologies forward. As important, mentoring from seasoned business leaders like the Entrepreneurs-in-Residence at UW Center for Commercialization and WSU Research Foundation provide critical real-world perspectives.

The great news is that the village is willing. Our program is constructed to be collegial, not competitive. Our participating companies are screened and coached, with our presenters gaining essential feedback every step of the way. Our audience is engaged, with many joining advisory boards, making introductions, and providing funding for companies following our events. But the Innovation Showcase is only one member of the start-up ecosystem.

Our continuing challenge is to make it easier for entrepreneurs to access all the start-up resources available to them. From university based programs like the UW Business Plan Competition, to industry specific forums like Life Science Innovation Northwest and the Cleantech Open, to funding sources like Alliance of Angels and WINGS, we all need to work together to continue to guide companies on their path.

The Progress is Measurable

Speaking of paths, the path to revenue for most Innovation Showcase companies is often longer than that experienced by so many of Seattle’s well-known software start-ups. It may include establishing key strategic partnerships, obtaining regulatory approval, or as is frequently the case, shifting paradigms on the part of the target market.

Still, each quarter when we update the audience on past presenters’ milestones – a highly anticipated segment of the program – the traction these innovative young companies have gained at this critical stage is remarkable. Most recently, we were joined by three alumni: Mike Hite of Impel NeuroPharma, Brian Glaister of Empowering Engineering Technology, and Sailesh Chutani of Mobisante. The enthusiastic applause each presenter received was an acknowledgement of the dedication it took them to successfully complete clinical trials, refine the prototype, and obtain regulatory approval, respectively.

One of the most heartening results of this grand experiment in focusing on earlier stage technologies and fledgling companies has been the measurable progress of so many presenters. In our December survey of 27 past participants, we received very encouraging news. Seven had received grants to further develop their technology from sources as varied as the Life Sciences Discovery Fund, National Institutes of Health, DARPA, and the U.S. Army, to name just a few. Seven had made pitches to angel investors, with four securing early stage capital while another received seed funding from WRF Capital. Four had received awards recognizing their innovations. Numerous others reported securing strategic partners and/or recruiting advisory boards to help them move their technology forward.

Seattle Is Not Alone

It is easy to focus just on Seattle, or the University of Washington for that matter, because there is so much happening here. But, as the Technology Alliance is a statewide organization, we’ve worked closely with incubators of innovation from the other side of the Cascades, such as Sirti, the WSU Research Foundation and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory operated by Battelle. We are not just building bridges between research and commercialization, but between the Puget Sound and other innovation hotspots across the state.

Yes, there are interesting things taking place all across Washington, and yes, we can build those bridges that will turn research into results. We hope you will join us at our April 26th Showcase to find out for yourself how innovation is taking shape in our state.

Author: Susannah Malarkey

Susannah Malarkey is the Executive Director of the Technology Alliance (TA), a statewide organization of leaders from technology businesses and research institutions dedicated to Washington's long-term economic success. Through programs, events, data analysis, and policy activities, the TA advances excellence in education, research, and entrepreneurship to support the growth of high-impact industries; the creation of high-wage jobs; and economic prosperity for the entire state. She has been the Executive Director of the Technology Alliance since its inception in 1996, and oversees all TA projects and programs. She co-founded the Alliance of Angels in 1997 and oversaw the program until it was spun out by the TA in 2012. She also founded the Innovation Showcase in 2009 and co-founded the Our Schools Coalition in 2010. Current signature TA programs include the monthly Science and Technology Discovery series; the annual State of Technology Luncheon; and the biennial Technology Institute. The TA’s newest effort is the Ada Developers Academy, an innovative and intensive software training program for women launched in the fall of 2013. Malarkey currently serves on the board of the Washington Technology Industry Association, on the Steering Committee for the Our Schools Coalition, on the advisory board for University of Washington’s Clean Energy Institute, and is a member of Women in Venture.