Churchill Club Venture Capital Roundtable 2011

From the event description: “Come hear this panel of leading investors from August Capital, Felicis Ventures, First Round Capital, Google Ventures, and Venrock, in a candid conversation about the venture landscape today and tomorrow. How is the landscape changing and where is it headed? Where are venture capitalists putting their money? What are they avoiding? How can you get funded? What does it mean to get funded? What does it mean to not get funded? What’s changing in terms of how VCs think and the best way to sell them on your idea?

Howard Hartenbaum, Partner, August Capital
Josh Kopelman, Managing Partner, First Round Capital
Bill Maris, Managing Partner, Google Ventures
Ray Rothrock, Partner, Venrock
Aydin Senkut, Founder and Managing Director, Felicis Ventures

Steve Bengston, Managing Director, Emerging Company Services, PwC”

Information and registration here.