The Ideas Economy: Information

The Economist presents its 2011 Ideas Economy conference, “Information: Making Sense of the Deluge.” From the event website: “The world now contains unimaginably vast amounts of digital information, which is growing exponentially. The era of big data presents incredible opportunities—smarter cities, stronger companies, faster medicine—but just as many challenges. Storage is scarce, systems overloaded and governments and businesses know too much.

Managed well, data can be used to unlock new sources of economic value, provide fresh insights into science and hold governments to account. Managed poorly, it can cause great harm.

Ideas Economy: Information will tackle these issues and more. It will examine the data revolution from a range of perspectives, seeking solutions to big problems. The event will bring together theorists, strategists, and innovators who understand how to harness data to create value and advance individual, corporate, and social good.”

Information here, registration here.