QB3 VIP Symposium on Digital Health: Towards Social and Collaborative Medicine

From the event description: “The Venture Innovation Program (VIP) in Life Sciences is hosting a Digital Health Symposium on June 14th. UCSF physicians and digital health experts will be discussing the challenges and opportunities in the field, as well as their experience in starting and commercializing digital health technologies. Also, come meet exciting mobile startups who will be presenting their digital health apps during our networking hour. Our guest and presenters for the evening will include:

Jeff Tangney – CEO of Doximity and Co-Founder of Epocrates
Ryan Howard – CEO of Practice Fusion
Ron Gutman – CEO of HealthTap
Denis Coleman – Co-Founder of Symantec and Angel Investor
Andy Donner – Director Physic Ventures
Pierre Theodore – Cardiothoracic Surgery, UCSF School of Medicine
Anna-Lisa Silvestre- Vice President, Online Services at Kaiser Permanente”

Information and registration here.