Ex-Yahoos Raise $3.2M for ChoozOn

More money for online deals? You betcha. This time it’s Bellevue, WA-based ChoozOn, which is developing a consumer service to help shoppers sift and aggregate sales, deals, and offers from different sources. The company has raised $3.2 million, led by Michael Orsak of Worldview Technology Partners and James Brown of AVG Ventures. ChoozOn was founded by a trio of former Yahoo execs: Nick Weir, Usama Fayyad, and Hunter Madsen. The startup says its consumer product is coming sometime in the third quarter.

Author: Curt Woodward

Curt covered technology and innovation in the Boston area for Xconomy. He previously worked in Xconomy’s Seattle bureau and continued some coverage of Seattle-area tech companies, including Amazon and Microsoft. Curt joined Xconomy in February 2011 after nearly nine years with The Associated Press, the world's largest news organization. He worked in three states and covered a wide variety of beats for the AP, including business, law, politics, government, and general mayhem. A native Washingtonian, Curt earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. As a past president of the state's Capitol Correspondents Association, he led efforts to expand statehouse press credentialing to online news outlets for the first time.