R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Acquires LibreDigital for Undisclosed Sum
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Link http://www.venturedeal.com/Search/SearchResultTransactionDetail.aspx?TransactionId=3f196c07-cbb3-4854-9101-6db40db1aa94&Preview=1
Date 8/17/2011
Company Name LibreDigital
Mailing Address 1835-B Kramer Lane Austin, TX 78758
Company Description When LibreDigital formed in 1999 to provide publishers with digital warehousing and e-distribution, the web was a place for email, retail, and early content experiments. The term “blog” had just been coined. Social networking was the province of message boards and article comments. Google was a small company in Palo Alto. Mark Zuckerberg, the eventual founder of Facebook, was 15 years old.