Xconomy Forum: Computing in the Age of the $1,000 Genome

An incredible innovation story has been unfolding in the world of gene sequencing, which is giving rise to one of today’s grand challenges of computing. New DNA sequencing tools are improving at such a rapid pace that scientists say it will soon be possible to generate the 3-billion-letter signature of an individual’s DNA for $1,000, and possibly in as little as 15 minutes of work. If this can be done on a large scale, scientists expect it will create an enormously deep set of information to clear the way for a more personalized brand of medicine.

There are still immense challenges to be confronted before this vision can become reality. This genomic data will need to be stored, secured, backed up, analyzed, and visualized in order for it to live up to its promise. While most of the innovation of the past decade has concentrated on the sequencing instruments themselves, scientists increasingly are struggling to make sense of these massive datasets, which is creating new opportunities for tech companies. Xconomy will convene some of the West Coast’s leading entrepreneurs, scientists, and investors to talk about the role computing will play in this big story of the coming decade.

Confirmed Speakers:
Hugh Martin
, CEO, Pacific Biosciences
Cliff Reid, CEO, Complete Genomics
Atul Butte, Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
Sue Siegel, General Partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures
Ashley Dombkowski, Chief Business Officer, 23andMe
Paul Rutherford, CTO, Isilon Storage Division, EMC
Andreas Sundquist, CEO, DNAnexus
Jim Karkanias, Senior Director, Applied Research and Technology, Microsoft Health Solutions
Rob Arnold, General Manager, Geospiza Business Unit, PerkinElmer
Tim Hunkapiller, Consultant, Life Technologies
Doug Bassett, Chief Scientific Officer, Ingenuity Systems
Ilya Kupershmidt, Co-Founder and Vice President of Products, NextBio
David Ewing Duncan, Author of Experimental Man and Columnist, Fortune
Thomas Goetz, Executive Editor, Wired; author of The Decision Tree
John Wilbanks, Senior Fellow, Kauffman Foundation for Entrepreneurship

Doors open/registration: 1:00
Program: 2:00-5:30 pm, with reception to follow

Registration Information:
Super Saver Rate (ends Aug. 31): $195
Startup Special: $195
For employees of startups less than 3 years old with 20 or fewer employees.
Regular Registration: $350
Walk-in Registration: $450
Student Registration: $95

Tickets are transferable but not refundable.

To inquire about press registration, e-mail [email protected].

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Alexandria Real Estate Equities Complete Genomics
Fenwick & West Silicon Valley Bank
BayBio California Healthcare Institute