Xconomy Forum: New York Life Sciences 2031

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and state legislators around the New York City area have anointed life sciences as a key growth industry for the future. But what kind of potential really exists to recruit biotech and pharma entrepreneurs to NYC and surrounding regions-and to keep them here? What will the New York life sciences landscape look like 20 years from now? Will the city have grown as a world leader in university and corporate research, venture financing, and biotech entrepreneurial activity? Which particular fields of life sciences and healthcare will be the most vibrant? We will gather a select group of innovators and visionaries at the Alexandria Center for Life Science for an intimate, interactive discussion of these and other key questions about the future of this industry in the greater NYC region.

Opening Remarks:
Joel Marcus
, CEO, Chairman, and Director, Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc.
Seth Pinsky, President, New York City Economic Development Corp.

Les Funtleyder
(moderator), Health Care Strategist and Portfolio Manager, Miller Tabak Health Care Transformation Fund
Samuel Waksal, CEO, Kadmon
Barbara Dalton, VP of Venture Capital, Worldwide Business Development and Innovation, Pfizer
Sam Isaly, Founder and Managing Partner, OrbiMed Advisors; Manager, Eaton Vance Worldwide Health Sciences Fund
Eric Schadt, Director, Mount Sinai Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology; Chief Scientific Officer, Pacific Biosciences

Doors open/registration: 5:00
Program: 6:00-7:00 pm, with reception to follow

Registration Information:
Startup Special: $65
For employees of startups less than 3 years old with 20 or fewer employees.
Regular Registration: $125
Walk-in Registration: $150
Student Registration: $25

Tickets are transferable but not refundable.

To inquire about press registration, e-mail [email protected].

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Alexandria Real Estate Equities

Sorin Royer Cooper

Life Science Angel Network