Terminator Vision: Augmented Reality UnPlugged

An evening event from the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab. From the event description:

“Augmented Reality holds the promise of merging the physical world with information, but the ‘killer app’ remains elusive. Today,the rise of the smartphone and tablet – with powerful 3D, 4G, and high-res cameras – combined with significant advances in computer-vision, are finally unleashing the full power of AR.

Technology leaders such as Intel, Qualcomm, and Nvidia, are targeting AR’s disruptive potential on mobile advertising, gaming, and education, by heavily investing in next-gen AR platforms. Witha market size projected to reach $1.5 billion by 2015, leading brands, entrepreneurs and investors are developing AR applications that meld virtual experiences with everyday consumer lives.

But will the mass market embrace augmented reality experiences? How will these developments change the game for retailers, advertisers, teachers,and game and mobile applications — and which monetization models will be most successful?”

Panelists include (bios):

  • Jay Wright – Senior Director of Business Development, Qualcomm
  • Vivian Rosenthal – CEO, GoldRun
  • Bruno Uzzan – CEO, Total Immersion
  • Moderator – William “Whurley” Hurley, GM of Chaotic Moon Labs

Information here, registration here.