Join Xconomy Tonight for New York Life Sciences 2031

What is the 20-year outlook for the life sciences industry in New York City? That’s the topic of our first public event in NYC: Life Sciences 2031.

We have a great panel of experts from across the industry lined up for what’s sure to be a lively discussion. They are: Barbara Dalton, VP of venture capital for Pfizer’s Worldwide Business Development and Innovation unit; Sam Isaly, managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors; Eric Schadt, chairman of Mount Sinai Medical School’s department of genetics and genomic sciences and chief scientific officer of Pacific Biosciences; and Samuel Waksal, CEO of Kadmon. Our moderator is Les Funtleyder, portfolio manager of the Miller Tabak Health Care Transformation Fund.

There are still seats available, including discounted admissions for startups and students. Register here. And catch us on Twitter at #NY2031.

Author: Arlene Weintraub

Arlene is an award-winning journalist specializing in life sciences and technology. She was previously a senior health writer based out of the New York City headquarters of BusinessWeek, where she wrote hundreds of articles that explored both the science and business of health. Her freelance pieces have been published in USA Today, US News & World Report, Technology Review, and other media outlets. Arlene has won awards from the New York Press Club, the Association of Health Care Journalists, the Foundation for Biomedical Research, and the American Society of Business Publication Editors. Her book about the anti-aging industry, Selling the Fountain of Youth, was published by Basic Books in September 2010.