For the second straight year, one potentially disruptive company will be on hand from each of Xconomy’s cities—Boston, New York, Detroit, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle—to provide these feature presentations in highly interactive sessions. We are also cooking up a few bonus appearances and special talks. This will be a compelling event for anyone interested in the future of technology, and the people and companies leading the way.
Keynote Speaker:
Stephen Wolfram, Founder and CEO, Wolfram Research; creator of Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha; author of A New Kind of Science
Featured 6×6 Presenters:
Boston: Dave Icke, CEO, MC10—flexible electronics and sensors
New York: Jason Baptiste, CEO, OnSwipe—tablet publishing models
Detroit: Nathaniel Borenstein, Chief Scientist, Mimecast—the future of e-mail
San Francisco: Adam Goldstein, CEO, Hipmunk—online travel search
Seattle: Kabir Shahani, CEO, Appature—social and relationship marketing for healthcare
San Diego: Bill Walker, Chief of Global Hawk Business Development, Northrop Grumman—high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles