Robot and Device Hackathon

From the event website:

“Nerd New Year wouldn’t be the same without a few robots. At the Robot & Device Hackathon, we will be making real robots that are beginner-friendly, customizable, motor-izable and recyclable. Great for kids and adults!

Our partner, Robotics for Fun, will be providing the robots for our hackathon using Grid Kits. We’ll show you how to put them together and everyone who attends will receive their very own kit to take home including: Grid Kit, Netduino (Open Source, embedded .NET pin compatible with Arduino),  or Arduino Uno ( your robot brains ), two DC motors

Plus, Robotics for Fun founder, Grid Kits inventor, Harvard University alum and former Robotics Teacher at the Chabot Space and Science Center, Jutiki Gunter will be present with his team to provide instruction and assistance, as well as amazing people from Microsoft, O’Reilly and Make.

Cost: Thanks to Andreessen Horowitz, Microsoft, Mozilla, Make and O’Reilly, Free!

Includes your own robot and device kit, instruction and food/beverages, all as a benefit for 11 charities.”

Information and free registration here.