Loosen the Rules Stifling IPOs by Venture-Backed Startups

modernized while maintaining the regulatory principals that serve to protect investors.

In addition, regulations that govern investor communications and research have appropriately been rewritten over the last 15 years with the objective of consistent disclosure that limits the opportunity for conflict. All of that remains important to small and large companies alike. However, some aspects of these rules can unintentionally stunt the growth of newly public companies by limiting their ability to build direct relationships with their new public investors.

Add to this the consequences of the Spitzer Decree and decimalization, which have collectively shifted the volume and, therefore, the economics in the securities markets towards the frequently traded issues of large cap stocks. The objective was to insure low cost, frictionless trading. The unintended result is that new, small cap issues can struggle in today’s public markets.

If we don’t modernize these one-size-fits-all public company rules and regulations, I’m doubtful our economy will ever see the next wave of small public companies that grow to become this generation’s blue chip leaders. I’m talking about companies such as Apple, Amazon, Cisco, Fedex, Intel, Genzyme, Google, HP, Microsoft and Oracle, each of which was able to go public, allowing them to create new industries, and with them, tens of thousands of high-quality jobs. These once small IPOs are now global industry leaders, employ almost 1 million people, have created $1.3 trillion of shareholder wealth while paying billions of dollars in annual taxes to federal, state and local governments. To maintain that level of job creation and growth, we need to get the IPO market back on track.

As an investor in young private companies with massive potential, there is nothing I enjoy more than working with a great entrepreneur to help a company grow. Yet the biggest impact of private companies comes when they enter and flourish in the public markets. Research shows that 92 percent of job growth in venture-backed companies typically occurs post-IPO. Today venture-backed companies that were able to go public account for 21 percent of America’s GDP. We need to act decisively to bring about a return of this level of job growth to the U.S. economy.

Given the many Americans who are searching for these jobs, count me in to throw a punch or, even better, lend a helping hand to solve this problem.

Author: Kate Mitchell

Kate Mitchell is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of Scale Venture Partners. She is instrumental in building Scale Venture Partners' team and strategic direction. Kate leads investments in software and business services, and brings more than 25 years’ experience in technology, finance and management to her portfolio teams. Kate has actively worked with portfolio companies including Hubspan, Jaspersoft, mBlox, Tonic Software and Wayport. Kate is also the Chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) and a member of its Executive Committee. She is actively involved with regulatory and economic policy impacting the venture industry and the companies that are funded by venture capital in the areas of technology, clean tech and health care. As Chair, Kate actively highlights the importance of venture capital to the U.S. economy and works to promote innovation nationwide. Kate sits on the Silicon Valley Bank Venture Capital Advisory Board. Before joining ScaleVP in 1996, Kate was a Senior Vice President responsible for the development and launch of Bank of America's internet banking services. In addition to technology management, Kate has significant experience in corporate finance and business development. Kate holds a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from the Executive Program at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. She also attended the Harvard Executive Program for Strategic Marketing. Kate is active as a Charter Member of Environmental Entrepreneurs (Silicon Valley) and is also on the Board of Directors of the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.