Zoora Aims to Marry Indie Designers with Shoppers Hungry for Options

seven people, most of whom are working part time. The entire team considers fashion a personal passion, with the exception of technical co-founder Chirag Nirmal, who has “a passion for tech and loves the idea of mass customization,” Pagano says.

Pagano just quit her full-time consulting job at Fidelity a month ago, and has been bootstrapping Zoora. The startup needs to get some traction before targeting outside funding, says Pagano. “Our first step is to prove out the hypothesis that women want more choice in their purchasing,” she says.

Zoora will also spend the next month or so taking clothing samples to different cities throughout the country, to get shoppers excited about what it has to offer

One big question comes to mind in light of Zoora’s mission to put design decisions in the shoppers’ hands: Does it ultimately interfere with a designer’s vision as an artist?

“There is always a step between the runway to the stores,” Pagano says. By that, she means that the artistic vision that a designer presents in initial showings almost never translates literally into the garment that winds up in consumers’ hands. Retail buyers work with designers to develop the garments in different colors, fabrics, and lengths than what was shown on the runway. Now, Pagano says, her startup is putting that power elsewhere.

“Why does it have to be just an influencer?” she asks. “Can’t the customers decide for themselves what they want to buy?”

Author: Erin Kutz

Erin Kutz has a background in covering business, politics and general news. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Boston University. Erin previously worked in the Boston bureau of Reuters, where she wrote articles on the investment management and mutual fund industries. While in college, she researched for USA Today reporter Jayne O’Donnell’s book, Gen Buy: How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail. She also spent a semester in Washington, DC, reporting Capitol Hill stories as a correspondent for two Connecticut newspapers and interning in the Money section of USA Today, where she assisted with coverage on the retail and small business beats. Erin got her first taste of reporting at Boston University’s independent student newspaper, as a city section reporter and fact checker and editor of the paper’s weekly business section.