The Napa Summit: Keeping America Growing

How do we keep America competitive and growing? To explore this vital question, Xconomy is tapping its national network of Xconomists, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and other leading members of the innovation community for an intimate, invitation-only summit in the heart of California’s wine country.

This extraordinary day-and-a-half-long, off-the-record retreat will feature candid chats, entrepreneur and investor stories, interactive panel (and unpanel) discussions, lots of networking time, and great food and wine. The conference registration fee of $1250 includes wine reception, vineyard tour, and all meals (lodging is not included).

The Napa Summit is by invitation only. If you’d like to request an invitation, please send us an e-mail at [email protected]. Include your name and contact information, title, company, and a brief bio. If selected, we will send you registration information. The deadline for invitation requests is May 15.

Request an Invitation

Featured Participants:

We are putting together a fantastic group of speakers. Among the participants who have confirmed so far are:

  • Curt Carlson
    • CEO, SRI International
  • Bill Draper
    • Co-founder and General Partner, Draper Richards
  • Pete Flint
    • Co-founder and CEO, Trulia
  • John Gilleland
    • CEO, TerraPower
  • John Gilleland
    • CEO, TerraPower
  • Christine Herron
    • Director, Intel Capital
  • Paul Kedrosky
    • Senior Fellow, Kauffman Foundation
  • Pat Kenealy
    • Managing Director, IDG Ventures
  • Steve Krausz
    • General Partner, US Venture Partners
  • Ed Lazowska
    • Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering, and Director, eScience Institute, University of Washington
  • Dave McClure
    • Founding Partner, 500 Startups
  • Kate Mitchell
    • Co-founder and Managing Director, Scale Venture Partners
  • Matt Mullenweg
    • Founder, Automattic; Principal, Audrey Capital
  • Ann Marie Sastry
    • Founder and CEO, Sakti3
  • Pooja Sankar
    • Founder & CEO, Piazza
  • Harry Shum
    • Corporate Vice President, Search Product Development, Microsoft; former Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia
  • Mark Siegel
    • Managing Director, Menlo Ventures
  • Gary Swart
    • CEO, oDesk
  • Halle Tecco
    • Co-founder and CEO, Rock Health
  • David Tennenhouse
    • Partner, New Venture Partners; former Director of Research, Intel; former Chief Scientist, DARPA
  • Sharon Vosmek
    • CEO, Astia
  • Bill Walton
    • Hall of Fame NBA player; angel investor and competitiveness expert
  • Kathleen Warner
    • COO, Startup America Partnership

More Details:

The event will kick off with a special wine tasting and dinner to be held the evening of Thursday, June 7, at the Silver Oak Cellars winery in Napa Valley. The summit itself will take place the next day at the nearby Villagio Inn and Spa in Yountville. All told, the event will run from about 5:30pm on June 7 through about 4:30pm on June 8.

June 7, 2012: Silver Oak Cellars Napa Valley Winery
915 Oakville Crossroad, Oakville, CA
Wine reception and vineyard tours begin at 5:30 PM
Dinner commences at 7:00 PM

June 8, 2012: Villagio Inn & Spa – Historical Barrel Room
6481 Washington Street, Yountville, CA
Continental breakfast 7:30-8:30
Program from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

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