TechStars NYC Spring Class Demos Their Ideas for Investors

brands a new marketing tool,” said CEO Craig Danuloff. “This is the next generation of ad tech where personal information curated on your behalf replaces the cookie.” Virgin Mobile, Victoria’s Secret, and Birchbox have already agreed to work with the company to offer incentives to users.

A snapshot view of all the companies that demoed:

10sheet  — Automates bookkeeping by electronically processing photos of receipts and bank statements, cutting out the labor of handling paperwork.

Bondsy  — A social bartering platform for exchanging personal items such as books, cameras, and toys with others.

Classtivity  — An online directory for finding nearby recreation and fitness classes such as tennis, yoga, and martial arts.

C1 (Condition ONE) — Software for displaying panoramic video that can be used by individuals and advertisers.

Karma  — 4G connectivity provider that lets users buy blocks of data bandwidth rather than charge fees or subscriptions.

Lua  — A project management platform that helps coordinate mobile workers such as roadies for concerts and movie production crews.

Marquee  — Drag-and-drop content publishing that lets users put video, audio, and images directly into pages without tinkering with HTML code.

Moveline  — Users take inventory of personal items before moving by shooting video. The platform also connects them to moving companies who can bid on the moving jobs.

Pickie  — An online personal shopping magazine that aggregates daily mentions about products from the users’ social networks.

Poptip  — Finds the common threads in feedback from the social sphere that brands and marketers can leverage to better understand consumers.

Rewind.Me  — Gathers users’ past check-ins to create an anonymous record that brands and marketers can tap to offer special deals.

Smallknot  — A crowd investment platform for supporting local small businesses, such as pizza shops and bookstores.

Wander  — A photo-centric website that lets users share their experiences at locations they have visited.

Author: João-Pierre S. Ruth

After more than thirteen years as a business reporter in New Jersey, João-Pierre S. Ruth joined the ranks of Xconomy serving first as a correspondent and then as editor for its New York City branch. Earlier in his career he covered telecom players such as Verizon Wireless, device makers such as Samsung, and developers of organic LED technology such as Universal Display Corp. João-Pierre earned his bachelor’s in English from Rutgers University.