From dollops of cash to big project announcements, here is our roundup of San Diego life sciences news for the past week.
—Waltham,MA-based Alere (NYSE: [[ticker:ALR]]) recalled an additional 650,000 Triage cardiology screening tests after a FDA inspection of the company’s San Diego facility raised concerns about quality control. Alere recalled more than 803,000 tests last month, according to the Boston Business Journal. The diagnostic tests are used to diagnose heart failure and other conditions.
—Carlsbad, CA-based Life Technologies (NASDAQ: [[ticker:LIFE]] has unveiled plans to establish a design and manufacturing center of excellence in Singapore. It will be the only Life Technologies owned-and-operated instrument manufacturing facility outside the United States, and will produce next-generation genome sequencing and molecular diagnostic instruments. A spokeswoman for Life says the company’s Asia sales rose more than 9 percent last year, and the volume of items shipped per day in the region quadrupled.
—In his BioBeat column this week, Luke described how the movement toward “medical genomics,” also known as “clinical genomics,” has started to take off. Apart from the fierce competition among companies like San Diego’s Illumina (NASDAQ: [[ticker:ILMN]]) and Life Technologies (NASDAQ: [[ticker:LIFE]]) to sequence genomes at $1,000 apiece, Luke said demand for personal genome analyses has been soaring at companies like Cambridge, MA-based Knome and Foundation Medicine.
—Kevin Rakin, the regenerative medicine president at Shire, told me the Irish pharmaceutical giant is spending well over $100 million on the first phase of a new San Diego facility—and he wants