The Best Boring Companies in Biotech

Sometimes great companies have really boring stories. Maybe the company makes great products, or generates big profits and returns, but just doesn’t have the sizzle to get on the TV news, or even keep folks away from the veggie dip at your neighborhood barbecue.

It almost takes work to be boring in biotech, since this is an industry with lots of ingredients for juicy storytelling. There are companies risking big money on cutting-edge science. There are heroes and villains. Many people in the industry are on a mission to make drugs that improve quality of life. There’s fast money, and dark forces at work in the stock market. Cut-throat competition, and short-term profit-driven thinking, sometimes conflicts with the industry’s noble stated purpose. There’s no shortage of controversy about the sky-high prices of drugs, shady marketing practices, self-serving backroom political dealing, and on and on.

Despite all the ways a biotech company can capture public attention, there are lots of companies out there doing good things below the public radar. You can’t sell newspapers, boost ratings, increase page views, or excite followers on Twitter by writing about these firms. Bad as these companies may be for media guys like me, they can be very good for everybody else.

I don’t have a formula for what makes a company “boring” but essentially I’ve sought to list companies below who have accomplished something noteworthy with little notice in the media. Before diving into this list, I need to go with the disclaimer that this is based on my own very limited understanding of these public companies. If I thought they were super-interesting companies that everyone wanted to read about, then I probably would have already done some more digging on them. If you have any other examples of “boring” biotech companies that deserve mention, just leave a comment below or send me a note at [email protected].

So here goes:

Pharmacyclics (NASDAQ: [[ticker:PCYC]]). This Sunnyvale, CA-based company has seen its stock quadruple from $14.82 at the beginning of this year to $58.97 at Friday’s close. The company has boomed on growing evidence that supports its new drug for blood cancers, ibrutinib, which is designed to selectively block a molecular target called Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk). Chemists and molecular biologists have long thought that that Btk would be a good drug target, but for years nobody could really figure out how to properly inhibit it. But that’s truly an inside story. If you were to ask “why does it matter?” the answer is that it could pave the way for treating various B-cell lymphomas. Again, that isn’t going to help you win over readers, viewers, or listeners. Try saying that three times fast, while keeping your audience awake. Not surprisingly, Pharmacyclics was overshadowed by better known companies with clinical trial results at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting last month.

Medivation. This San Francisco-based biotech company (NASDAQ: [[ticker:MDVN]]) was best known until a couple years ago for taking an old antihistamine from Russia and turning it into a promising new medicine for Alzheimer’s disease. That drug ended up failing in clinical trials, but that didn’t kill Medivation. The company has found its second wind with a potent new drug candidate for men with terminal forms of prostate cancer. Seattle-based Dendreon is the attention hog in this category, partly because of its novel immune-boosting scientific platform, and its various clinical trial controversies, regulatory controversies, insider stock-selling controversies, drug pricing controversy, and various other corporate stumbles. All Medivation has done is follow fast with what could be a best-in-class molecule for prostate cancer, with all steak and no sizzle. To give you some sense of how many people pay attention to these stocks, Dendreon has seen an average daily trading volume of 6.8 million shares per day, while Medivation has seen average daily volume of just 735,000 shares. Yet Medivation stock has more than doubled so far this year, closing at $94.88. It’s currently worth three times as much as Dendreon.

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: [[ticker:IRWD]]). This company, based in Cambridge, MA, was the bellwether biotech IPO of 2010, coming out of the gate during some dismal times with a market valuation of more than $1 billion. The company has big-name investors, and a CEO who’s a bit of throwback in that he isn’t afraid to say he wants to build a great, independent biotech company. Ironwood has some novel science that’s enabled it to come up with what looks like a novel new drug, linaclotide, for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and chronic constipation. Nobody really knows how many people have these conditions, or how many will seek treatment with the Ironwood drug. But Forest Laboratories, Ironwood’s partner, has said an estimated 11 million people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, and 34 million have chronic constipation (although it says only 8.5 million have sought treatment.) The FDA is expected to decide in September whether Ironwood and its partner can start selling this new drug, at which point the story could get a little more notice.

Seattle Genetics (NASDAQ: [[ticker:SGEN]]). For starters, this company’s name is misleading, as it’s not in Seattle (actually Bothell, WA), and it’s not really a genetics company (it’s a cancer drug developer). Even though few people in its hometown know what it does, Seattle Genetics, or SeaGen as it is sometimes known for short, has had a breakout year with the FDA approval of the first truly effective “antibody-drug conjugate” for cancer. That term “antibody drug conjugate” is the proper scientific way for referring to what SeaGen does, which is link targeted antibody drugs to toxins that can give them more tumor-killing kick. If you like military metaphors—and I’m not above using them to help make an important story more interesting—then you could call these “smart bomb” antibodies or “guided missiles” that seek and destroy tumor cells while largely avoiding healthy cells.

Fascinating as that story is, it seems to have generated pretty limited interest in the mass media, although that’s starting to change now that a higher-profile company like Genentech has started carrying the flag in the media for antibody-drug conjugates. SeaGen is also a company that has never gotten itself overleveraged, or offered any outrageous CEO pay packages, or really done much to stir controversy. When it has had a controversy—like when an employee got caught engaging in insider trading—it was handled swiftly and surely so as to not become a distraction.

Alexion Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: [[ticker:ALXN]]). This company is based in Cheshire, CT, outside Xconomy’s geographic coverage areas, so I have never bothered to write about it (and neither have many other reporters, far as I can tell). But despite its low profile, Alexion has become one of

Author: Luke Timmerman

Luke is an award-winning journalist specializing in life sciences. He has served as national biotechnology editor for Xconomy and national biotechnology reporter for Bloomberg News. Luke got started covering life sciences at The Seattle Times, where he was the lead reporter on an investigation of doctors who leaked confidential information about clinical trials to investors. The story won the Scripps Howard National Journalism Award and several other national prizes. Luke holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and during the 2005-2006 academic year, he was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT.