3-D Vision Brings New Dimensions to 2-D TV, Even The Wizard of Oz

The pitch for 3-D video in the home has yet to be embraced by the majority of consumers, but a Westbury, NY-based innovator believes his technology can jumpstart demand. Gene Dolgoff, CEO of 3-D Vision, developed a way to turn two-dimensional video content into 3-D imagery without the need for new televisions. Though his converter for homes is still in the prototype phase, he says a production model could be ready soon—with enough funding.

“The idea is to make it so people can use equipment they already have to enjoy the 3-D experience at home,” he says.

Consumer electronics giants such as Samsung, LG Electronics, and Panasonic have been lauding 3-D technology as a feature in many of their new televisions and blu-ray players. The problem is the library of 3-D content available on disc remains limited and the choices are even more restrictive on broadcast television. The industry faces a chicken-and-egg dilemma as studios gradually introduce more 3-D material and televisions capable of displaying such visual effects creep into homes. “People don’t want to spend the money on a new TV set,” Dolgoff say. “It’s almost unjustifiable because there is nothing to watch in 3-D.”

3-D Vision’s technology is being positioned as a lower cost alternative to techniques studios currently use to convert two-dimensional video. Dolgoff says he can turn even The Wizard of Oz into a 3-D feature.

Studios dabble with the visual dazzle of 3-D in action movies to make objects such Captain America’s shield seem to fly at the audience but it is hard to imagine a TV show such as Gossip Girl leveraging such technology to add visual depth.

That may change with Dolgoff’s Instant 3-D Converter device currently under development for televisions and computers. His company’s Auto 3D technology was put to work in 2010 converting a special episode of the Rachel Ray Show. The technology allowed the show to be converted without having to put

Author: João-Pierre S. Ruth

After more than thirteen years as a business reporter in New Jersey, João-Pierre S. Ruth joined the ranks of Xconomy serving first as a correspondent and then as editor for its New York City branch. Earlier in his career he covered telecom players such as Verizon Wireless, device makers such as Samsung, and developers of organic LED technology such as Universal Display Corp. João-Pierre earned his bachelor’s in English from Rutgers University.