Beyond Cash: How Top VCs Are Creating Value

From the event website:

“The best entrepreneurs can get capital from many sources – so how do VCs differentiate and compete to work with the best startups? To win this fierce talent war, and to give their own portfolio companies the best chance of success, many top VCs are now offering much more than just money. This includes a full menu of in-house capabilities, ranging from PR and marketing to UX design and recruiting services.

Moderated by Liz Gannes, Senior Editor at AllThingsDigital, the panel will feature in-house communications experts from Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, Greenstart, Mayfield Fund, Mohr Davidow Ventures and Venrock.

Please join Bateman Group along with our event host, Greenstart, for an exciting panel discussion examining the current state of PR and marketing inside Silicon Valley’s most successful VC firms.

WHAT: How the Best VCs are Creating Value with In-House Communications

WHO: Industry experts including:
Liz Gannes, Senior Editor, AllThingsDigital (moderator)
Christina Lee, Communications Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers
Rachel Barge, Partner, Greenstart
Kamini Ramani, VP of Marketing, Mayfield Fund
Nicole Pack, VP of Communications, Venrock
Pamela Mahoney, Venture Development, Mohr Davidow

WHERE: Greenstart, 22 Battery Street, 11th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

WHEN: Nov. 8th, 2012
5:30pm – Arrivals and networking
6:00pm – Panel
7:00pm – Networking, drinks and hors d’oeuvre

WHY: Intelligence. Networking. Nosh.”

Details and registration here.