How To Build a Biotech Cluster That Isn’t Boston or SF

and embrace co-opetition, not competition. And second, our metrics need to shift away from traditional economic development to economic impact; at least for some period of time.

I’ve latched on to the term “economic impact” because the University of Louisville can generate economic impact for itself and the community even if what creates the economic impact is not located in town.

Here’s one way how to create impact: Take the technology—perhaps in an LLC with some early proof of concept—to the right people. Start with your network of university alumni. But match the technology asset with the “management talent” investors will fund, wherever they are located. In Seattle? Fine. Remember, these are, or will be, to borrow a phrase from Atlas Venture’s Bruce Booth, classic Quadrant 1 biotech startups—“typically roll-up-your-sleeves venture creation around academic science or a whiteboard concept.” These companies require significant capital and come with a lot of risk. VCs don’t make these kind of investments for economic development purposes, such as creating jobs.

Again quoting Booth, “many Quad1’s sell early.” And this is a good thing. When the company sells, it creates economic impact back to the University (via equity ownership, royalties and/or gifts from alumni). After several economic impacts like that, I just might have a big enough bucket of cash to use to bring “management talent” to Louisville that can build a biotech startup in town that creates jobs. Once a few companies like that start to take root, then the first generation of “management talent” might mentor another team. Hopefully, over time, a Quadrant 1 company matures into a Quadrant 4. It requires a long-term view, à la Brad Feld. And it’s not focused on job creation. Short term, it’s about building awareness. Near term, it’s about economic impact. Long term, building the best biotech cluster your community can build.

If I were trying to emulate a city, it would probably be Seattle, because it is almost a self-contained example. Starting in the ’80s and ‘90s, Seattle has had quite a few companies grow there and then get acquired; Immunex, Rosetta Inpharmatics, Corixa, Icos, ZymoGenetics and more recently Calistoga Pharmaceuticals. Those acquisitions have no doubt created wealth in the community. It has created “buzz” for Seattle. From my vantage point, it has absolutely created a talent pool. Those people end up jumping in to other companies, either as angels, employees or board members. It creates a cycle. I see Dendreon and Seattle Genetics as the next step; homegrown companies that become biotech anchor tenants. Maybe Alder Biopharmaceuticals and VentiRx Pharmaceuticals will be similar examples.

So, how do you build a biotech cluster? One step at a time. It’s not going to happen overnight, but I’m sure we can do it in Louisville.

Author: Andrew Steen

Andrew Steen has worked with life science start-up companies since 2000, establishing a broad network of contacts with venture capitalists and individuals involved in R&D and business development in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies throughout the world. At MetaCyte Andy has played a lead role in creating deal flow. He currently serves on the boards of AnosiaVax, Inc., Gnarus Systems, Inc., Pradama Inc., and TrackFive Diagnostics, Inc., Inc., and was a board member of ImmunoTheragnostics Incorporated until its acquisition in December 2008. Andy has been actively engaged in creating the nascent life science industry in Metro Louisville since joining Louisville Medical Center Development Corporation in 2000. MetaCyte Business Lab emerged from Louisville Medical Center Development Corporation in 2002. Prior to joining LMCDC, Andy spent nearly six years with National City Bank of Kentucky where he held a number of positions, culminating as Senior Credit Analyst/Trainer/Credit Officer providing analyses of a wide variety of industries, including healthcare. Andy holds a B.A. from Transylvania University and an M.B.A. from the University of Louisville. He also attended the University of Kentucky College of Law.