One of the great things about being a retired entrepreneur is that I get to give back to the community that helped me. I assembled this collection of free and almost free tools, class syllabi, presentations, books, lectures, videos in the hope that it can make your path as an entrepreneur or educator easier.
Startup Tools
If you’re building a startup, the Startup Tools tab on the top of this page has curated links to hundreds of startup resources. Specific links are:
- A list of startup tools is here
- Market research tools to help you figure out the size of the opportunity your startup is pursuing, are here
- Some of the best advice on founding and running a startup from other smart voices are here
Updates and suggestions for tools I’ve missed are welcomed on the Startup Tools comments page.
The Lean LaunchPad course online
I teach potential founders a hands-on, experiential class called the Lean LaunchPad at Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia and Caltech. The class teaches the three basic skills all entrepreneurs need to know:
- business model design
- customer development
- agile engineering
For my Innovation Corps class for the National Science Foundation it made sense to record the lectures and put them on-line. In my regular classes I now “flip” the classroom and have my students watch these online lectures as homework and we use the class time for discussion.
The free on-line class, hosted at Udacity is here.
Class Syllabi, My Lecture Slides and Student Presentations
The Slides/Video tab on the top of this page has all the open source course material for my classes. Specific links are:
- Syllabi for all my classes are here
- Educators Training Guide is here (it’s part of the Educators Course where we teach how to design a Lean Entrepreneurship Curriculum and how to teach the Lean LaunchPad class – described in the Educators section below.)
- Latest presentations posted click here
- Stanford presentations, lectures and syllabus here
- Berkeley presentations, lectures and syllabus here
- Columbia 5-day presentations, lectures and syllabus here
- Caltech 5-day presentations, lectures and syllabus here
- Some general customer development slides click here
The Entreprenuers Checklist
The good folks at Udemy have taken a few of my lectures at Stanford and put them together in a series online.
The free on-line lectures, hosted at Udemy are here.
Online Guide to How to Build a Startup: The Lean LaunchPad, publisher of online entrepreneurs processes guides, drew from my Udacity course and The Startup Owner’s Manual to create a free step-by-step guide to understanding your customers and creating your value proposition. Called “How to Build a Startup: The Lean LaunchPad,” it walks you through the Business Model Canvas and an overview of the customer development process.
Find it here.
The Slides/Video tab on the top of this page has a number of my talks on entrepreneurship, customer development and startup, some short, some long, and a few interesting.
Find them here.
Recommended Reading
The Books for startups tab on the top of this page is my recommended reading list. These books have influenced my thinking. There’s a short synopsis of why I like each book.
Updates and suggestions for books that I’ve missed are welcomed on the books comment page.
Visitors Guide to Silicon Valley
The Guide tab on the top of this page? I got tired watching dignitaries fly into Silicon Valley, visit Google, Facebook, Apple, and Stanford and then say they understand startups and entrepreneurship.
So for the rest of us I put together this Visitors Guide to Silicon Valley.
Updates and suggestions for places to see that I’ve missed are welcomed on the Guide comments page.